Fall Parent Education Session hosted at Stanford University
Challenge Success.org, a research-based organization that develops refreshingly practical curriculum, conferences and other programs for parents, schools, and kids looking for a healthier and more effective path to success in the 21st century.
Offers a FREE Parent Education Session
The Knowledge to Navigate: Strategies for Raising Healthy & Motivated Kids
September 28, 2012, from 7:00pm-9:00pm
Memorial Auditorium, Stanford University
Our Keynote, Michael Riera, Ph.D. joins our Co-Founders, Stanford Senior Lecturer, Denise Pope, Ph.D. and New York Times Bestselling Author, Madeline Levine, Ph.D. for an interactive discussion about long-lasting success and how families and educators can help kids become meaningful contributors for the 21st century.
The session is open to the entire community.
Suggested Donation: $10 Individual, $15 Family.
Please register at www.challengesuccess.org and contact aalamar@stanford.edu for more information.