Most adults know by now that smoking cigarettes is caustic to our health, partially because of the warning information printed on cigarette boxes and the intense media buzz provided by anti-smoking agencies and the United States government. Despite all that we know about the dangers of smoking, the prospect of smoking nicotine cigarettes is still […]
By Philippe Rey, Psy. D. Executive Director of Adolescent Counseling Services So now that we have a good idea about what is really going on with drugs and alcohol, let’s look at more ways we can help our teens. As I mentioned last week, as parents your task is to encourage choice. That means that […]
By Philippe Rey, Psy.D. Executive Director of Adolescent Counseling Services The goal for this blog series on middle schoolers is to provide you with the tools and information you need to have a more open and genuine conversation with your child. Additionally, this blog series will prepare your family for the difficult topics of conversation […]
How to Manage School Refusal Behaviors (aka when ‘playing hooky’ becomes a serious situation) by Christina Walker, Psy.D., Site Director at Menlo-Atherton High School “I don’t want to go to school today.” Is there a parent who hasn’t heard this plaintive cry from a child or adolescent? Children and teenagers can and will miss […]
Written by Amoreena Berg, LMFT, Site Director for Adolescent Counseling Services. Starting simple is the best way to be successful with teaching mindfulness to kids. For example, an adult who begins learning meditation may start off with 15 minutes of meditation a day, for a child it would be better to start off with 5 […]