The following presentation by Teen Mental Health explains just how important of a role sleep plays in the well-being of adolescents. As teens head back to school, it becomes even more difficult to ensure that they are getting the 8.5 to 9 hour of sleep per night that is recommended by doctors. However, this slideshow […]
“Worried about a Moody Teen?” The Wall Street Journal published a new article on how to tell the difference between typical teen angst and more serious problems. Click here to read the article on the Wall Street Journal website or click here to view a similar article written by ACS Staff.
Youth Suicide Support Booklet The mother of a teen who committed suicide in Nova Scotia recently developed a booklet which “provides helpful resources to support families that have lost a young adult to suicide.” You can read a story on how this mother’s struggle inspired her to create the resource by clicking here. The article […]
Symptoms of Anorexia • Severe dieting • Intense fear of being fat • Rigid exercise • Dressing in layers • Complaints of being cold • Mood shifts, restlessness, insomnia Symptoms of Bulimia • Binging • Secretive eating/missing food • Frequent dieting • Avoidance of food related events • Bathroom visits after meals • Tooth decay […]
It is common for adolescents to be concerned about how they look. They commonly feel self-conscious about their weight as their bodies are changing and they are face new social pressures, such as physical attraction to peers.Unfortunately, for a growing number of teens, that concern grows into an unhealthy fixation that causes weight fluctuation, interferes […]
Teenagers face a host of pressures, from the changes of puberty to questions about who they are and where they fit in. The natural transition from child to adult can also bring parental conflict as teens start to assert their independence. With all this drama, it isn’t always easy to differentiate between depression and normal […]
Parents – you can have an impact on how your teenager deals with life. Remember that you are the models for them. Try not to get caught up in the fast pace. You can help them with: #10–Model a Healthy Lifestyle: You can help by setting an example of a healthy, reduced stress lifestyle. Learn […]
Parents – you can have an impact on how your teenager deals with life. Remember that you are the models for them. Try not to get caught up in the fast pace. You can help them with: #9– Relaxation: You can help your teen learn relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga, painting or tai-chi. It can […]
Parents – you can have an impact on how your teenager deals with life. Remember that you are the models for them. Try not to get caught up in the fast pace. You can help them with: #8– Physical Fitness: Physical activity reduces stress, and helps teens sleep and maintain focus. Support your son or daughter […]
Parents – you can have an impact on how your teenager deals with life. Remember that you are the models for them. Try not to get caught up in the fast pace. You can help them with: #7–Time Management: Help your teen learn time management skills: to make time for school and extra curricular activities, […]