Everything You Wanted To Say To Your Middle Schooler, But Didn’t Know How-Part IV

By Philippe Rey, Psy. D. Executive Director of Adolescent Counseling Services So now that we have a good idea about what is really going on with drugs and alcohol, let’s look at more ways we can help our teens. As I mentioned last week, as parents your task is to encourage choice. That means that […]

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Understanding Stimulants: Cocaine vs. Methamphetamine

The following information appears in “Drugs: Shatter the Myths,” a free publication from the  National Institute on Drug Abuse and the NIDA for Teens website. What Are Stimulants? Stimulants are drugs such as cocaine, “crack,” and amphetamines that can cause the heart to beat faster, and blood pressure and metabolism to increase. Stimulants often cause […]

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