Why There’s No Better Time than Now to Quit Vaping
Written By: Wen Soon, Clinical Intern at ACS, Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program
people wait until January 1st to make important resolutions and commitments to change their bad habits. People erroneously believe the new year will somehow give them the motivation to finally change. However, U.S. News and World Report (2015) shared that around eighty percent of people who make resolutions in January fail to achieve their resolution by February.
What happened? For vapers who use this method, quitting “cold turkey” just doesn’t cut it. To be successful, a person who wants to quit vaping has to prepare ahead of time to ensure their success while they’re motivated. Here are some ways to make your resolution to quit more successful, no matter the time of year:
Find Social Support
Friends and family members can be people to rely on when you need to overcome those cravings. There are also community groups in your local area or online that can provide advice. Some ideas include texting and calling them when the cravings get too strong. They can be powerful motivators to distract you.
Identify Vaping Routines and Triggers
There are common patterns you may notice that trigger you to want to vape. Use the 5 W’s method.
- Who is around you when you vape?
- What is on your mind? What are you feeling before and after you vape? Some examples include being frustrated, stressed out about school, or sad.
- Where are you vaping?
- When are you vaping? Do you have specific times or after certain classes when you vape?
- Why are you vaping? Is it to socialize with friends, to get your nicotine fix, or another reason?
Write these down in your quit plan and come up with a strategy to counter it the next time you feel this way.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
If you have concerns about using nicotine replacement products, reach out to your primary care provider to find out if they are right for you. Some insurance companies cover it for free so check with your provider. You can ask your parents to see your insurance card and call the customer service department if you want to find if you qualify. If you are over the age of eighteen, you can purchase nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges over the counter without a prescription.
Create a Quit Plan
A quit plan can help you prepare for any scenarios that may happen. There are free online resources to create your own. This is an area to develop some coping skills to address the cravings and withdrawals. Look at the following section to find some suggestions. By having this plan in place, you are equipped for your quit day.
Healthier Options Instead of Vaping
- Call or text a friend
- Play or listen to music
- Play with your pet
- Sleep or nap
- Pray or meditate
- Walk or run
- Join a school club
- Make a TikTok
- Watch funny videos online
After all of these have been prepared, do practice quits to reach a realistic goal. For some, they can go for a few hours while for others, they can only go for a few minutes. Start small and slowly increase from there. Practice and learn from each experience. Forgive yourself if you are not successful because change is hard. It is just a slip up along your journey to quitting. Once you feel confident with quitting, set a quit date. If any slip-ups happen, it is normal so feel free to continue moving forward.
Luciani, J. (2015). Why 80 Percent of New Year’s Resolutions Fail. https://health.usnews.com/health-news/blogs/eat-run/articles/2015-12-29/why-80-percent-of-new-years-resolutions-fail
SmokeFreeGov (n.d.). Take Back Control. Make Your Quit Plan. https://teen.smokefree.gov/vaping-quit-plan#quit-plan-section-2
SmokeFreeGov (n.d.). Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy. https://smokefree.gov/tools-tips/how-to-quit/using-nicotine-replacement-therapy