Adolescent Counseling Services’ Resource Blog

Facebook Privacy Controls

Parents can use current news to start important conversations. The popular social networking company, Facebook, made some changes recently that mean you need to be more active in protecting your privacy on that site. FB is tracking your interests and sharing that information with ‘partners’. So far, this includes Pandora, a music website, Yelp, a […]

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Breaking Up

For teens, a relationship ending can feel like a failure. They may develop the irrational belief that they will never be in another relationship, that this was the person they were supposed to marry, or that they are somehow “unlovable”. They may go to extreme ends to hold on to the relationship, some feeling so […]

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Falling in Love

Your 13 year old daughter comes home from school and tells you she’s in love. She begins doodling the name of her love interest while computing algebraic equations, she begins spending more time on the phone or IM-ing than talking with you, and suddenly you fear your baby will experience the inevitable rollercoaster ride that […]

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For many adolescents, the divorce of their parents is a terrifying thought and a vivid reality. Divorce means a loss of their home as they knew it. It may mean changes in financial situation – possibly a stay at home parent goes to work or both parents work more. It may mean having to relocate […]

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