Wouldn’t it be great if raising a child to adulthood operated just like a savings account? The more money you save, the more money you have to spend when confronted with urgencies or hurdles. With a person’s emotional savings account, the more tools, resiliencies, learning experiences and growth one saves, the better prepared they are […]
Adolescent Counseling Services’ Resource Blog
K2, Spice, Serenity, Genie, Smoke, Hush – these are just a few on the long list of brand names and nicknames given to synthetic marijuana, the new drug of choice for many teens and adults across the country. In ACS’ Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Program, some of our own clients have admitted to using Spice […]
Bullying in school has been an issue for as long as anyone can remember. Each and every parent had their own method of teaching their child how to deal with this inevitable right of passage. “ignore them” or “be a man and stand up to them” was often advised by parents. Whatever technique was preferred, you could rest assured that […]
Binge drinking, drinking four (for females) and five (for males) alcholic beverages withing a two hour span, has become a growing problem in today’s society. Statistics show that more and more teenagers are consuming extreme amounts of alcohol – comparable to that of an adult alcoholic. Not only is the amount of consumption alarming, but […]
Suffering with a mental illness can seem like an uphill battle, but with the right resources and tools those small battles can be won, one day at a time. In this article, Marsha M. Lineham, a psychologist at the University of Washington, bravely disscusses her personal struggle with severe mental illness. Diagonosed with Borderline Pesonality Disorder, Dr.lineham shares where she has come today […]
National Child-Centered Divorce Month celebrated with free ebooks, coaching, teleclasses & more through July July is National Child-Centered Divorce Month, dedicated to helping parents make the best possible decisions regarding their children’s well-being during and after separation or divorce. Divorce attorneys, mediators, therapists, financial planners, coaches, educators, clergy and other professionals concerned about the effects […]