Mindfulness and Behavior
Written By: Christy Goralnik, Clinical Trainee at ACS, On-Campus Counseling Program
MINDFULNESS ISoften discussed on social media or in popular literature and has been attached to everything from yoga to meditation. Support for mindfulness abounds in scientific literature, and recent research promotes the impact that mindfulness-based interventions have on behavior change. The simple act of focusing on the present moment, rather than on to-do lists and judgements about the future or the past, can bring a sense of peace and reflection, and allow one to become more altruistic, accepting, and able to learn.
In learning to practice mindfulness, we teach ourselves to observe our thoughts and emotions, without reacting or trying to alter them (Vinci et. al., 2021). Mindfulness interventions can be useful tools for treating anxiety disorder, addiction, bipolar disorder, and depression. Often used in combination with other therapy techniques, mindfulness has been shown to enhance the impact of other cognitive therapies (Schuman-Olivier, et. al., 2020).
Adolescents can learn simple and effective mindfulness techniques to help regulate their emotions and increase positive thoughts of self-acceptance. Here are a few techniques:
Soles of the Feet
This technique encourages adolescents to shift their focus to a neutral part of the body, like the soles of the feet.
- If standing, you can stand in a natural rather than aggressive posture, with the soles of your feet planted firmly to the floor.
- If sitting, place the soles of the feet flat on the floor.
- Breathe naturally and do nothing.
- Let any angry or uncomfortable thoughts flow through your mind. Do not try to stop them or judge them.
- Shift your focus to the soles of your feet. Slowly move your toes, feel your shoes, feel the texture of your socks.
- Keep breathing and focusing on the soles of your feet until you feel calm.
- Remember that you are calm. You can walk away from the incident or situation at any time.
Surfing the Urge
Adolescents are encouraged to use their breath to ride out the waves of urges by observing each urge in a calm, non-judgemental, curious manner.
- Focus on the breath.
- Focus on the places in your body where the urge is present –dryness of the mouth, tightness in the chest. Notice the intensity of these responses.
- Remember that the urge is transient.
- Bring your attention to your breath.
- Use your breath as a surfboard to ride the urge as flows through you. Surf the urge for a minute or two.
- Shift your attention back to the places in your body where the urge was initially present and see if the intensity has changed.
- Show gratitude to yourself for being present and for riding out the urge.
Like building any muscle or new skill, these techniques can take time to master. But with practice, they can build a healthy foundation for a calm, peaceful outlook that enables adolescents to learn new behaviors and confront challenges in their day-to-day lives with self-compassion.
Schuman-Olivier, Z., Trombka, M., Lovas, D. A., Brewer, J. A., Vago, D. R., Gawande, R., Dunne, J. P., Lazar, S. W., Loucks, E. B., & Fulwiler, C. (2020). Mindfulness and behavior change. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 28(6), 371–394. DOI: 10.1097/HRP.0000000000000277
Singh, N. N., & Joy, S. D. S. (2021). Teaching mindfulness to adolescents. In N. N. Singh & S. D. Singh Joy (Eds.), Mindfulness-based interventions with children and adolescents: Research and practice (pp. 162–178). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315563862-12
Vinci, C., Sawyer, L., and Yang, M. (2021). Minding the gap: Leveraging mindfulness to inform cue exposure to treatment ofr substance use disorders. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(649409),1-12. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.649409