Bullying in school has been an issue for as long as anyone can remember. Each and every parent had their own method of teaching their child how to deal with this inevitable right of passage. “ignore them” or “be a man and stand up to them” was often advised by parents. Whatever technique was preferred, you could rest assured that […]
USA WEEKEND BULLYING SPECIAL: What is a bully? Aggressive behavior that is intentional, repeated over time and involves an imbalance of power or strength. Bullying can take many forms, such as hitting or punching, teasing or name-calling, intimidation through gestures, social exclusion and sending or posting insulting messages or pictures by cellphone or online (also […]
Source: Connect with Kids “These are the people who aren’t bullied, and neither are they the bulliers, but they stand by and they really permit these actions to take place; and I believe that that’s one of the major groups that we have to focus on, and get them involved, you know and basically say ‘we’re […]
BULLYING RESOURCES Stop Bullying Now! The Stop Bullying Now! Campaign Web site was created especially for adults. Here you’ll find resources about bullying awareness, prevention and intervention. No matter how you interact with children and youth, there are many ways you can Take a Stand. Lend a Hand. Click here to visit the website. BullyingInfo.org Click here to […]
ACS Executive Director Dr. Philippe Rey reflects on bullying in his guest opinion article in today’s issue of the Palo Alto Weekly. Read his remarks here.
New National Survey on Teen Bullying “Half of U.S. high schoolers say they have bullied or teased someone at least once in the past year, and nearly half say they have been bullied in that time, one of the largest studies ever on bullying finds. The study, to be released today, surveyed 43,321 teens ages […]
Role of Adults Several factors collectively contribute to bullying and other antisocial behaviors and may be found both in the home and in the school; these are: • A punitive environment • A lack of positive consequences and reinforcement • Inconsistencies in the rules and the consequences for breaking them • A lack of awareness […]
Characteristics of Bullies: TYPICALLY, school bullies are aggressive and intensely impulsive, and their behavior may be fueled by their own physical strength or strong social position. However, even if small in stature, male or female bullies given the right skills and social standing can manipulate others. Although no single factor determines bully behavior, several influences […]
Bullying Statistics: Bullying generally begins in the elementary grades, peaks in the sixth through eighth grades, and persists into high school. This survey, the first nationwide research on the problem in this country, questioned 15,686 public and private school students, grades 6 through 10, on their experiences with bullying. 17 percent of the respondents had […]
Bullying: Why are we concerned? Research indicates that in addition to the negative effects suffered by the direct target bullies, witnesses to bullying develop a loss of their sense of security, which reduces learning. Studies also reveal that students who consciously avoid harm at school are expending energy that could otherwise be devoted to learning. […]