Adolescents in Middle School: Part 3
Originally Published March 2010
Take advantage of opportunities and be honest
•If you are watching TV with your 8 year-old and marijuana is mentioned on a program, you can say, “Do you know what marijuana is? It’s a bad drug that can hurt your body.” If your child has more questions, answer them. If not, let it go. Short, simple comments said and repeated often enough will get the message across.
•You can offer your older child the same message, but add more drug-specific information. For example, you might explain to your 12-year-old what marijuana and crack look like, their street names and how they can affect his body.
Resources to use:
Partnership for Drug Free Kids Parent Tool Kit
WebMD Talking to Kids and Teens About Drugs and Alcohol Directory
National Institute on Drug Abuse Talking to Your Kids—Communicating the Risks